Bridge baron totally bridge
Bridge baron totally bridge

bridge baron totally bridge

Actually some people (but not me) believe that the meanings of these two bids should be interchanged and this is discussed in the “Inverted Bergen Raises” section in the link.īlackwood is one of the very first of bridge conventions. In particular, the 3 clubs and 3 diamonds responses are artificial raises of partner’s major.

bridge baron totally bridge

1NT is forcing (as in the two-over-one system) and all bids at the two and three level are artificial or have a peculiar meaning. It is used over a 2NT opening and can also be used over 1NT if your Stayman bid promises invitational or beyyer values.īergen Raises are a set of responses to partner’s 1 heart or 1 spade opening. There are a fer variations of benjamin twos and the link gives my preferred variant.īesse Puppet Stayman is a slight alteration to Puppet Stayman that ensures the the No Trump opener is always declarer. Playing Benjamin twos a 2c opening is strong but not game forcing and a 2d opening is absolutely forcing to game. The convention has the advantage over using 3 clubs as Stayman in that 4-4 minor fits can be located for slam purposes.īenjamin Twos are popular in the UK, but not so much elsewhere although they are compatible with Standard American and two-over-one as well as Acol. It is game forcing and often slam-seeking opener and responder then both bid 4-card suits up the line. When using the Baron 2 spades convention, there is no need for a natural 2NT invitation and this bid is often used to transfer to 3 clubs responder may then pass with a weak club hand, bid three diamonds to play or bid something else showing a strong hand with clubs.īaron Three Clubs is a bid of 3 clubs over partner’s 2NT opening. With a maximum opener should bid a 4-card minor if he has one just in case responder is looking for a minor suit slam – the sequence is game forcing. With a minimum, opener should simply bid 2NT which responder will pass with the invitational type hand. It has many conventional meanings and the Baron 2 spades treatment is that it is either an invitational hand inviting 3NT (and having no 4-card major) or else a slam seeking hand. When using Jacoby Transfers, the 2 spades response is idle. preferring Jacoby 2NT over partner’s major and a natural 11-12 over a minor.īaron Two Spades is a convention that is popular in the UK. I dont particularly likke the convention. It is a jump to 2NT over partner’s one-level opening bid that shows a big balanced hand, around 14 or so points. The advantage of the convention is when responder has a good hand but no aces – a 4NT ask would then get the side too high if partner has only one ace.īaron Two No-Trumps is a convention popular in the UK. The link gives an updated variation of these ambiguous splinters.īaby Blackwood is a little known convention that uses a direct jump to 3NT over partner’s major suit opening to ask for aces. Ambiguous Splinters were invented by Marty Bergen (called splinters with relay) and are actually part of his Bergen Raises scheme, although very few people actually play them.

Bridge baron totally bridge